Dust Control reduces CO2 emissions from vehicles by preventing dust clogging the air filter, which increases fuel usage. Global cooling from airborne particulate matter occurs when sunlight is reflected off particles on a massive scale, creating shade, and cooling the air.
Dust Control prevents fugitive dust from settling into ponds, lakes, and wetlands also reflecting sunlight known as Total Suspended Solids (TSS) changing the water temperature as well as covering aquatic plant life, thereby reducing water oxygen levels.
Dust Control improves visibility by preventing dust clouds.
Dust Control reduces road maintenance costs by up to 70% and prevents "wash boarding".
Dust Control keeps dust from covering trees and plants up to 1,500 feet from each side of the road. When dust covers a plant, it reduces its ability to absorb CO2 and produce oxygen.
Dust Control in recreational and residential areas can prevent asthma and allergic reactions by eliminating airborne particles.
Dust Control eliminates fine particles from clogging air filters, and increases fuel mileage. Fine dust particles increase wear and tear on vehicle components such as, but not limited to alternators, air conditioning, radiators, etc.